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YouTube poster image and caption
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aria-label="Play video Unmasking a Killer"
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<p class="nyp-type-2023-body-xs-r u-m-0 u-c-2023-grey-dark">Some descriptive text lorem ipsum doler sit amet.</p>
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<!-- Optional transcript link-->
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Vimeo with poster image and complex caption
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aria-label="Play video Assorted Rides"
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<!-- Optional caption text -->
<p class="nyp-type-2023-body-xs-r u-m-0 u-c-2023-grey-dark">Some descriptive text lorem ipsum doler sit amet.</p>
<div class="u-vs-2"></div>
<!-- Optional transcript link-->
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<a href="#" class="c-video-player__transcript-link subtle-link">
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